English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)


~Fourty~ is a significant age; happy birthday to you (nonstandard).
Forty is a significant age; happy birthday to you (standard). Note that although “four” is spelt with letter “u”, the letter should be omitted in the spelling of “forty”.

I wish my ~blood brother~ the best of the new decade (nonstandard).
I wish my brother the best of the new decade (standard). Although some dictionaries define blood brother as a brother by birth which is already entailed in the meaning of brother, a blood brother is mainly one of two men who pledged to mutual loyalty by a ceremonial use of each other’s blood.

He will ~wine and dine with~ his friends and relatives (nonstandard).
He will wine and dine his friends today (standard). Note that you wine and dine people (not with people).

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