More on S’s

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye (Dr GAB)

More on S’s

You have to tell us what happened ~in details~ (nonstandard).
You have to tell us what happened in detail (standard).

Shortly after the church ceremony, ~the couples~ got into their car and drove off (nonstandard).
Shortly after the church ceremony, the couple got into their car and drove off (standard).

~Many a times~ , I wonder if life in this country is really worth anyone’s while (nonstandard).
Many a time, I wonder if life in this country is really worth anyone’s while (standard).
Many times , I wonder if life in this country is really worth anyone’s while (standard).

1 Comment

  1. Ayeni, Oluwatomi Reply

    Thank you very much for this daily dosage of knowledge, sir

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