Common Errors

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Common Errors

Pick a ~teller~ on that desk (nonstandard).
Pick a *paying-in slip* on that desk (standard British).
Pick a *deposit slip* on that desk (standard American).
Note that a teller is someone who works in a bank and who customers pay money to or get money from:
Pick your paying-in slip from the *teller*. ✅

She is a banker and I’m not willing to marry from the *working class* (nonstandard).
She is a banker and I’m not willing to marry a *white-collar worker* (standard).
Note that the working class is a social group that consists of people who earn little money, often being paid only for the hours or days that they work, and who usually do physical work, while the white-collar workers work in offices rather than doing physical work such as making things in factories or building things. The working class can be referred to as the blue-colour workers. Blue-collar workers do work needing strength or physical skill rather than office work.

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