Lexical Choices

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Lexical Choices

Do you have any other ~complain~ (nonstandard)?
Do you have any other *complaint* (standard)?
Note that complaint is a noun while complain is a verb:
You always complaint. ❌
You alway complain. ✅

He showed admirable ~restrain~ (nonstandard).
He showed admirable *restraint* (standard).
Also, restraint is a noun; restrain is a verb.
She could not restraint herself. ❌
She could not restrain herself. ✅

The ~constrain~ of politeness hindered me (nonstandard).
The *constraint* of politeness hindered me (standard).
Constraint is a noun; constrain is a verb:
She was constrained by some factors. ✔️

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