Paragraphs are categorized mainly by functions. Such categorization identifies seven types of paragraph. They are discussed below.
INTRODUCTORY: It introduces the subject of discussion. It us the starting-point of every writing as it makes the readers know the subject-matter as well as gives them an insight into what is to come in subsequent paragraphs.

DEFINING: It is the type that emphasizes the meaning of the concept in question. For instance, it will be necessary to define pollution when one writes about it in order to inform the audience as to its meaning or to justify its restrictive use in context.

DESCRIPTIVE: This entails a thorough description of certain things- abstract or concrete. This type of paragraph is mostly employed in an expository writing in which a writer tries to vividify an idea or object by describing it in detail. Especially, it is a paragraph that exhibits a picturesque portrayal of ideas, concepts things, animals, or persons.

NARRATIVE: A narrative paragragh mostly tells stories and as a result is often used in literary writings. Its style of presentation largely sustains readers’ interest as it gives minute accounts of events, incidents or issues. It can be dramatic and full of suspense.

EXPLANATORY: It simply explains concepts or ideas that have been defined in a defining paragraph. In essence, it provides a detailed illustration or exemplification of things with a view to unravelling the latent aspects of meaning. It goes a little further than a defining paragraph to elucidate issues or concepts.

TRANSITIONAL: It is otherwise referred to as a linking paragraph. It ensures continuity in writing as it summarizes what has gone before and points out what is to follow. It links the preceding setion with the next. Transitional words include: first, second,also, again and so on.

CONCLUDING: It normally ends writing. It reviews all that have been discussed by recapitulating the key ideas, points, or issues. Thus, it makes readers know the highlights of the writing.


1 Comment

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