1. Solicited Memoranda: An event may lead the management of an organisation to call for memoranda from its members or interested members of the public. In this type of memoranda, only people who are knowledgeable or informed on the subject matter are required to make submissions. Such memoranda serve as useful instruments for policy modification and for introducing changes in an organisation.

2. Unsolicited memoranda: This usually comes from any diligent member of an organisation with any of the following in mind:
a). To sensitize on an aspect of work that requires attention.
b). To make suggestions on how to improve the level of efficiency in the system or to suggest new methods/innovations
c). To register criticisms/protests against the system, etc

3. Internal Memoranda: These are memoranda whose audience or readership is internal. Such memoranda, by their nature, have limited circulation because they are restricted to the organisation or department from which they originate. Internal memoranda must be used sparingly and with caution to avoid boredom and ineffectiveness in their use. Furthermore, they should not be lengthy but should be direct and concise to facilitate remembering.

4. External memoranda: These are memoranda which individuals outside a given organisation submit to to an organisation on issues of mutual or general interest. The memoranda in this class are more formal in nature than internal ones. External memoranda could also come from an organisation to another.
The next lecture will discuss the formal features of a memorandum.


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