Foreign Phrases

A number of foreign phrases are becoming natural part of the English language. The trend is for users of the language to use them regularly in the spoken or written English. We can examine a few of them that have become well established in the language as follows:

  1. an initio- from the beginning
  2. ad hoc- for the special aim
  3. ad infinitum- without end
  4. bon mot- clever remark
  5. de facto- really existing
  6. de jure- true or right because of law
  7. deja vu- to have previously experienced as of now
  8. de novo- new, afresh
  9. end masse- together
  10. end passant- in passing
  11. en route- on the way
  12. in memoriam- in the memory of
  13. in toto- entirely
  14. lingual franca- a common language spoken by people of divergent languages
  15. inter alia- among other things
  16. locus standi- the right to appear in court
  17. modus operandi- the way something operates
  18. modus vivendi- a comprise
  19. sine die- indefinitely
  20. sine qua non- an essential condition
  21. una voce- with one voice
  22. ultra vires- beyond the powers of legal authority of a person

Have a productive week!

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