Some problematic prepositions

Some prepositions pose a great deal of difficulties for users of the language due to some degree of similarity in meaning. They can actually be paired to emphasize their optionality. This lesson examines such pairs as among/between, below/under, beside/besides, and for/since.

1. among/between: As a preposition, between is used mainly in relation to two things or persons while among relates three or more persons or things: The contest is between the two parties. You can share it among the four children.
However, between can relate three or more when we have a definite reference of individual people or things: Abuja lies between Kogi, Niger and Kaduna.

2. below/under: Both below and under mean ‘lower than’ and as a result can be used interchangeably. But under can imply either ‘in contact with’ or ‘not in contact with’ whereas below denotes a space in-between: The wallet us under the pillow.
The boat passed under the bridge.
The valley lies below the village.

3. beside/besides: As prepositions, beside simply means ‘next to’ or ‘at the side of’ while besides denotes ‘in addition to’ or ‘apart from’.
I sat beside the president.
Besides economic hardship, there is political instability in the country.

4. for/since: Both for and since are used to indicate time. However, for denotes a period of time whereas since is used for a point in time. For sums up time but since points out a particular time or date as illustrated below:
I haven’t seen John for two years.
Ibrahim has been detained since last year.

Have a terrific week ahead!


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