Kinds of fear

Would you like to know about some kinds of fear and what they’re called?

1. Acrophobia: fear of heights.

2. Bibliophobia: fear of books.

3. Cacophobia: fear of ugliness.

4. Dystychiphobia: fear of accidents.

5. Felinophobia: fear of cats.

6. Genophobia: fear of sex.

7. Harpaxophobia: fear of being robbed.

8. Kakorrhaphiphobia: fear of failure or defeat.

9. Logizomechanophobia: fear of computers.

10. Mastigophobia: fear of punishments.

11. Noctiphobia: fear of the night.

12. Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes.

13. Phasmophobia: fear of ghosts.

14. Wiccaphobia: fear of witches and wizards.

15. Xenoglossophobia: fear of foreign languages.

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