English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)

Some words take up special meanings when they are joined by the conjunction ‘and’. This lesson will discuss 20 of such pairs.

1. Safe and sound- secure; protect one from danger.

2. Hale and hearty- strong and healthy.

3. Null and void- having no legal force.

4. By and large- generally speaking.

5. By and by- soon, later on.

6. Nook and cranny- everywhere, every part of a place.

7. Touch and go- to be unsure about the end of something.

8. High and mighty- superior in manner.

9. Black and blue- sustaining bruises or injuries.

10. High and dry- in a difficult situation without help.

11. Far and wide/near- everywhere

12. Bread and water- the cheapest possible food

13. Bread and water- the way of earning one’s living

14. P’s and q’s- to be careful about what one says or does

15. Flesh and blood- the human body or human nature with its emotions, weaknesses

16. Ins and outs- the details and aspects of an activity or a procedure

17. Bag and baggage- with all one’s possessions or belongings

18. Facts and figures- accurate and detailed information

19. Kith and kin- friends and relation

20. Comings and goings- arrival and departure

Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)
Academic Advisor, Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan;
Doctoral Student of English, University of Ibadan.

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