Sometimes, we use ungrammatical and inappropriate sentences in an attempt to adhere to the rules of the English language. This act is known as hypercorrection. Some instances of hypercorrection among Nigerians are:

1. Excessive application of the first rule of concord: singular subject takes a singular verb. Example: GAB teaches English.

Many people who have mastered this rule do not know that the pronoun “I” is an exception. So, say: I sing well (not, I sings well).

2. Excessive application of tense markers: Main verbs are not used in the past form when they are preceded by auxiliaries: How did it go (not, How did it went)?

3. The wrong use of subjective pronouns after prepositions. The subjective pronouns: I, He, She and They should not be used after prepositions: Between you and me, did I really offend you (not, between you and I).

Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)
Academic Advisor, Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan;
Doctoral Student of English, University of Ibadan.

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