English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)


This woman handed education to me ~on a platter of gold~ (nonstandard).
This woman handed education to me ~on a gold platter~ (nonstandard).
This woman handed education to me on a silver platter (standard). To give someone something without them having to work or make an effort to get it is to hand them that thing on a silver platter.

I can never pay her back, but I will always celebrate her ~as best as I can~ (nonstandard).
I can never pay her back, but I will always celebrate her as best I can (standard). If someone does something as best they can, they do it as well as they can.

Happy birthday birthday to my sister, mother and ~confidant~ (nonstandard).
Happy birthday to my sister, mother and confidante (standard). Someone’s confidante is a woman who they are able to discuss their private problems with.

Cheers to many more years, mum; ~hip, hip, hip, hooray~ (nonstandard)!
Cheers to many more years, mum; hip, hip, hooray (standard)!

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