English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)


The professor ~wined and dined with~ his guests after a brilliant inaugural lecture (nonstandard).
The professor wined and dined his guests after a brilliant inaugural lecture (standard). To wine and dine is to spend a lot of money on expensive foods and drinks but the expression does not attract “with”.

She threw her out ~with her bag and baggages~ (nonstandard).
She threw her out ~with her bag and baggage~ (nonstandard).
She threw her out bag and baggage (standard).
Bag and baggage is an adverb which means “with everything that is owned”. So, you can chase a person out of a place bag and baggage but you can’t chase them with their bag and baggage and you can’t tell them to carry their bag and baggages.

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