Detaching Sentences

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Detaching Sentences

The boy whose parents live here is intelligent=
Parents live here.
Their son is intelligent.

All of those who come here daily are suspects=
Those (people) come here daily.
All (of them) are suspects.

The woman who sells rice also sells beans=
The woman sells rice.
She also sells beans.

Choose your verbs and detach the sentences.

  1. One of those that _ me _ travelled (patronise have, patronise has, patronises have, patronises has).
  2. The number of candidates who _ annually _ alarming (register is, register are, registers is, register are).
  3. Both of them that _ syntax also _ semantics (lecture lecture, lecture lectures, lectures lecture, lectures lectures).


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