Frequently confused and misused verbs

1 affect: to influence. effect: to cause or produce.
2 afflict: to cause to suffer in body or mind. inflict: to force something on someone.
3. appraise: to officially judge how successful, effective or valuable something or someone is. apprise: to tell someone about something.
4. cause: make something happen. curse: to swear; to say bad things about someone because s/he has hurt you.
5. cease: to stop doing something; stop happening. seize: to take hold of something suddenly and violently.
6. comprehend: to understand fully. apprehend: to arrest.
7. deprecate: to strongly disapprove of or criticize something. depreciate: to decrease in value.
8. detract: to make something seem less good than it really is. distract: to take a person’s mind off something.
9. ensure: to make it certain that something will happen. insure: to provide insurance for something or somebody.
10. facilitate: to make easy. felicitate: to congratulate.
Have a great week ahead!

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