Grammar and Celebration

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Grammar and Celebration

On this day, Muslims around the world send greetings and ~adorations~ to the best of mankind; Prophet Muhammed (nonstandard).
On this day, Muslims around the world send greetings and adoration to the best of mankind; Prophet Muhammed (standard). Adoration is an uncountable noun and should not attract -s.

Some Islamic groups could organise ~an outreach~ to promulgate Islam as a religion of peace (nonstandard).
Some Islamic groups could organise outreach to promulgate Islam as a religion of peace (standard).
Some Islamic groups could organise an outreach programme to promulgate Islam as a religion of peace (standard). Note that outreach is also an uncountable noun and should not attract an article when used as a noun.

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