Grammar and Fake News

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Grammar and Fake News

You are ~a mediocre~ if you share unverified news on this pandemic (nonstandard).
You’re mediocre if you share unverified news on this pandemic (standard). Mediocre is an adjective and shouldn’t attract the article “a”.

If you wish to talk about the pandemic, be a reader and not just ~a talkative~ (nonstandard).
If you wish to talk about the pandemic, be a reader and not just a talkative person (standard). Talkative is an adjective and should be used before a noun or without the article a:
This person is ~a talkative~ ✖
This person is talkative
This person is a talkative person ✔.

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