Grammar and Religion

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Grammar and Religion

May the ~ominipotent and ominiscience~ God heal our world for us (nonstandard).
May the omnipotent and omniscient God heal our world for us (standard).

Muslims perform ~ablution~ before their obligatory prayer (nonstandard).
Muslims perform ablutions before their obligatory prayer (standard).

1 Comment

  1. Locomotive Reply

    Thanks so much. I want to comment on “ablutions” which must always be used in the plural form to mean a place where ablution can be performed/ made. Such a place has certain facilities that ease performing the religious rite. Of course I agree with you on the the sense( meaning) in the example here, but that is an old sense. Today “ablutions” refer to the location or building where showers and basins are located (for cleansing the body for religious purposes). Once again, thanks.

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