English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)

Grammatical wonders of “s”

If you play your cards right, you may triumph (not, card). To behave in a way that gives you an advantage is to play your cards well.

The refugee was seen with his effects (not, effect.) Effect means the result or outcome of a cause while effects means baggage.

Having won the trophy three times, my club has the trophy for keeps (not, keep). To have something for keeps is to have it permanently.
We do not know her whereabouts (not, whereabout). The place where something or someone is situated is her whereabouts.
Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)
Academic Advisor, Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan;
Doctoral Student of English, University of Ibadan.

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