English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)
To impart is to communicate the knowledge of something to someone or people:
The teacher ~impacts~ a great deal of knowledge to his students. ✖️
The teacher imparts a great deal of knowledge to his students. ✔️
Be in the know that “impart” cannot be used as noun:
The teacher has a great ~impart~ on the students’ lives. ✖️
Impact means to have a strong effect on someone or something. It can be used as both a noun and a verb:
Her seriousness ~imparted~ on her success. ✖️
Her seriousness impacted on her success. ✔️
Her seriousness had a significant impact on her success. ✔️
Had issues sorting this out a couple of times
Thanks Dr Gab for this
Thanks for imparting this to us, sir.
Impact is the most dummist and annoying word! The word impact should be erased from the English language for good! Every time I read an article, I see the word impact instead of the correct word! Every one says impact now instead of influence and so many other words! I can’t stand the word impact!!!!!