Just a Simple Greeting

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Just A Simple Greeting

Speaker A: Good morning, GAB. Happy Monday!
GAB: Good morning! Have a red-letter day too!
Speaker A: GAB, what is red doing in your greeting now? Is red not danger?
GAB: A red-letter day is a day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable.
Speaker A: You should have just used the “memorable”. I don’t like the “red”. So, have a great day!
GAB: Noted! Do have a stupendous day, too!
Speaker A: Hai! Why does that sound like stupid, tori Olohun?
GAB: Oh No! Stupendous would mean awesome or marvellous.
Speaker A: But GAB you could just have said “marvellous”. Why do you like troubles? Anyway, have a nice day!
GAB: I wish you a terrific one, too.
Speaker A: But why are you doing this? Why does that one sound like “terrible”?
GAB: Oh no, Sir! Terrific would mean being very good or unusually fine although it could also mean very bad. It’s one of the few English words that have contradictory meanings.
Speaker A: Odabo, Ganiu (Good-bye)!
GAB: Odabo, Sir (Good-bye, Sir!)

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