English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)

On Obligatory Prepositions in Phrases

Just as it is erroneous to add prepositions to some verbs like seek (for), request (for), enter (into), it is also wrong to omit prepositions after some verbs such as:

Reply to:
She did not reply my message (wrong).
She did not reply to my message (correct).

Deliver of:
She delivered a baby boy (wrong).
She was delivered of a baby boy (correct).

Consist of:
The group consisted a professor and other junior researchers (wrong).
The group consisted of a professor and other junior researchers (correct). Note that “comprise” does not attract “of”: The group comprises a professor and other junior researchers (not, comprises of).
Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (GAB)
Academic Advisor, Distance Learning Centre, University of Ibadan;
Doctoral Student of English, University of Ibadan.

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