English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)


  1. The subjective forms of the personal pronouns should be used after linking verbs (such as: is, are, am, seems).
    It was ~him~ (nonstandard).
    It was he (standard).
    Note that the full realisation of the sentence would be: It was he who… (did something). However, the nonstandard is expression is often used in informal contexts.
  2. Some expressions can take double interpretation and that determines the choice of personal pronoun to use. Example:
    He likes her more than __ (I me).
    He likes her more than I would mean: He likes her, I like her too but he likes her more than I like her.

He likes her more than me would mean: He likes her, he likes me too but he likes her more than he likes me.

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