English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)


Rule 5
The subjective forms should be used after conjunctions such as “than” and “as”:
He is taller than me. ✖️
He is taller than I. ✔️
She is as brilliant as him. ✖️
She is as brilliant as he. ✔️

These expressions can be completed thus:
He is taller than I am tall.
She is as brilliant as he is.

Note, however, that sometimes the intended meaning can determine the choice of pronoun to be used as the sentences below convey:
She likes her more than I. ✔️
This sentence means that she likes her, I like her too, but she likes her more than I like her.

She likes her more than me. ✔️
This sentence means that she likes her, she likes me, but she likes her more than she likes me.

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