11. Hear out- to listen to someone to the end.

12. Buzz off- to go away

13. Make do- to manage what one has; contend with

14. Leave out- to omit

15. Bring round- to revive someone that fainted

16. Round up- to gather, surrender, or hold together.

17. Round off- to end or complete something well.

18. Stand by- to support or help

19. Start back- to begin to return

20. Break in on- to interrupt or disturb

21. Break away- to escape or leave

22. Gloss over- to treat something briefly

23. Glaze over- to show no interest or expression.

24. Go into- to investigate

25. Glory in- to take pleasure or pride in something

26. Get along with- to have a comfortable or friendly relationship with somebody

27. Ginger up- to make somebody or something lively

28. Get hold of- to catch someone

29. Bent on- to be determined to do something.

30. Black out- to lose consciousness or memory temporarily

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