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Of determiners and adjectives

Determiner or Adjective? These two word classes are mostly confused as being same by many. This is perhaps because determiners, under traditional grammar, used to be one of the major parts of adjectives called limiting adjectives and the other part being descriptive adjectives. Modern linguistics has however differentiated them with sufficient grammatical justifications. Now, how are determiners different from adjectives? Determiners are words that “help to identify or determine a noun in terms of reference, quantity, location or possession (Anko 2004). Determiners belong to four classes and they are: articles (a, an, the), demonstratives (this, that, these, those) possessives (my, her, his, their its (mark you, these are different from possessive pronouns: mine, hers, his, theirs, its), quantifiers (all, both, once, other, same). Determiners do not qualify or describe nouns like adjectives. Let us demonstrate this: These men Fine men In the first expression, the…
