finite verbs

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FINITENESS: FINITE AND NON FINITE VERBS Finiteness is one of the systems within the verb and it splits into finite and non finite verbs. Anything is finite when if it has a limit. Finite verbs are therefore verbs that are limited by other elements of the sentence. A verb is finite when it will be affected by any change that occurs in the subject or adverbial in a sentence: 1. Gani likes rice. 2. Gani and Ajoke like rice. In sentence two, the change in the subject from singular (Gani) to plural (Gani and Ajoke) necessitated a change in the form of the verb from singular (likes) to plural (like) 3. We come everyday. 4. We came yesterday. Also in sentence 4, the change in the form of adverbial (from everyday to yesterday) warranted a change in the verb “come”. On the other…
