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Illiteracy, E-literacy, Ill-literacy: the Nigerian Continuum

ILLITERACY, E-LITERACY, ILL-LITERACY: THE NIGERIAN CONTINUUM BY GANIU ABISOYE BAMGBOSE (GAB) Historians and other scholars have argued that Nigeria was not underdeveloped before the advent of colonialism; she was only under recorded. People, for instance, lived in that riverine area before Mungo Park was born. We just did not have a book of history to back up this claim and so it was easy for Mungo Park to say he discovered river Niger through his ability to document. Illiteracy, which means inability to read, really affected the quick development of Nigeria as most legacies, heritage, norms, charms and other virtues which would have been better preserved in written forms were only orally rendered from one generation to another, resulting in misrepresentations among other challenges which come with orality. The advent of technology was a booster of literacy among all age brackets in Nigeria. The need to save their children’s name…
