Using Correlatives

English for Today by Ganiu Abisoye Bamgbose (Dr GAB)

Using Correlatives

Hardly had I stepped out than the students started talking (nonstandard).
Hardly had I stepped out when the students started talking (standard).

No sooner had I finished when he took over (nonstandard).
No sooner had I finished than he took over (standard).

I prefer rice than beans (nonstandard).
I prefer rice to beans (standard).
Others include: scarcely…when, not only…but also. The Correlatives are fixed pairs and must be used in exactitude.


  1. I just saw online that ‘Either-Or’ and ‘Neither-Nor’ also fit the bill.

  2. Obabiyi iman Reply

    Sir, what is the different between “planning to” and “planning on”?

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